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  • Written by: Kevin Ryan

Remy Shuck Brings A Refreshing Sound to Alternative Charts

Remy Shuck quit his job as an insurance salesman to create music that stays with you, that develops a life of its own. “I think music should speak a distinct message to every heart that hears it,” he says.

“If you chew on one of my lyrics for a month and then it changes flavor, then I did my job as a songwriter.”

His music interweaves an array of genres and sounds. “Alternative, punk, pop, Americana, storytellers, EDM, hip-hop—they’re all in my soul.” And with his new album, Criminal Record, he proves it. Think Washed Out being played in a Cathedral.

On its September 22nd release, Criminal Record reached the top 25 in iTunes Alternative Music Charts and charted at #123 overall, passing Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana.

When engineering the album, he chose each song carefully. “The struggle I’ve had in releasing this record was choosing the songs out of like 30 that I had in my writing journal. Saying ‘no’ or ‘not yet’ to some of my songs was really hard.”

Born in Lansing, MI when cassette tapes and Walkmans were cutting-edge, Shuck spent years honing his trade. As he’s matured, so has his music. His songs—like the poems set to electronic orchestras—have arisen from emotional and spiritual depths.

“Like everyone else, I have demons of the past and present fighting for an audience in my consciousness,” he says. “I work to create songs where I acknowledge their existence but give them no respect as I sing truth from the opposite realm of freedom and love.”

The passion you hear in his music is part of who he is, as a person, as a father. “Someday I’ll look into the eyes of each of my four children and tell them to pursue their dreams,” he says. “I don’t want to be a hypocrite in that moment and have them ask me if selling insurance was my dream. Failure has a shorter shelf life than regret.”


Instagram: @remyshuckmusic

Twitter: @remyshuck

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