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  • Writer's pictureShabby Talebi

Artist Shamsy Is Going 'Back To Nature'

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Shamsy joins us on episode 28 of the A.U. Podcast! Artist, Shamsy, has created various art forms, from printmaking, and sculptures, to drawings and art installations. But, of course, there’s no better way to express yourself than through nature. Cabus kicks off the episode by asking Shamsy when she developed her love for what she does now. Tune in to the full video on YouTube, or listen in on Spotify and Apple Music to learn all about Shamsy's journey and her early days in art with her family. Read on for a recap of episode 28.

photo provided by artist

"It's a field to where you can really feel lonely, and feel like you get in your head a lot, and you begin to doubt yourself a lot so to have someone to lean on that knows what you are going through or what the climate is like is really important".

Shamsy has known from a young age that she was an artist. In fact, she was raised in a creative family and would work with her family to do ceramics and watercolors. In college, she double majored in marketing and printmaking which allowed her to take fine art classes. Post-graduation life proved to be different than expected, with the crash of the stock market and 9/11, leading her to take jobs at FedEx Kinko's, The Container Store, and a paper company while doing art in her free time as a way to unwind.

Fast forward to 2015 when she got the opportunity to spread her wings as a fine artist in galleries and making installations. In fact, she thanks Josh Romero, gallery owner at ATAMA in Mockingbird Station, for giving her, and many other local artists, the opportunity to do a solo show.

Shamsy then dives into how thankful she is for her family and peers with whom she can rely on and express art together. Especially with how lonely the art world can get. This gets her and Cabus on the topic of Jencey and Cole Keeton, former podcast guests and mutual friends of Cabus and Shamsy. In fact, they offered her a chance to do an installation at Sweet Tooth Hotel which was Shamsy's first full-room installation!

photo provided by artist

All of Shamsy's work is always tied back to nature so no matter what the installation is she finds a way to bring it back to her roots. She was always in nature, immersed in it, drawing it, and having fun outdoors so now she always tries to embody it in her work. In fact, when Shamsy needs to be uplifted, she goes back to nature, she stays curious and inspired by it. That inspiration and curiosity led to her creation of her Shamstones, which she now also sells as jewelry.

"One of the most important things is to stay curious otherwise you can become stagnant and lose your fire."

Recently, Shamsy was contacted by Search Light Pictures to sign a contract for help promoting Wes Anderson's latest film, French Dispatch. Shamsy created content showing off some materials to create props for films she loves, a huge check off her list.

photo provided by Sweet Tooth Hotel

There is so much more to take away from this episode with Shamsy that you will have to hear for yourself on our YouTube Channel, Spotify, or Apple Music.

Check out the Artist Uprising podcast to listen to the full conversation with Shamsy and other interviews with creatives from across the globe. You can find Shamsy online on her website, Instagram, or Facebook.


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